Angelo My Love

Angelo My Love is a 1983 American drama film about New York City gypsies, directed by Robert Duvall. It was screened out of competition at the 1983 Cannes Film Festival.

Besides Angelo are his older brother Michael, his mother, his sister Debbie, and his girlfriend Patricia Katerina Ribraka his father Tony Evans, from the movie might have been thought to be absent, but is actually in a couple of scenes.Angelo is a kind of idealized sumtotal of all New York street kids no matter what their ethnic backgrounds. He is physically small but he has such a big, sharply defined personality that he seems to be a child possessed by the mind and experiences of a con man in his 20s. Then, as the movie goes on, one sees Angelo moving from glib, smarttalking selfassurance to childhood tears and back again, all in the space of a few seconds of screen time. This, too, may be part of Angelos con, but its also unexpectedly moving as well as funny. Angelo, among other things, is scared of ghosts. ........

Source: Wikipedia